Tuesday, April 7, 2009


It was my turn to put Holland to bed tonight, which includes reading a story. I don't know why this task is one my husband and I always try to pass off on one another - this is our child we should be jumping into bed with her excited to read. Um...not so much. We have figured out how to "trick" her into picking a short story so we can get it over and done with and back to our places on the couch in front of American Idol.
So I lay down on her bed and begin to read "Little Tiger", it goes something like this:

Me: "Tiger wasn't really a Tiger, he was a kitten..."

Holland: Mom, I don't see the Tiger..

Me: There isn't a Tiger, it's a kitten. "Here we go, Tiger got his name because he didn't like...

Holland: Mom, where is the Tiger?

Me: Holland, there is no Tiger, that is the kitten's name. "Okay, he got his name because he didn't like people and when they'd come near him he'd show his claws and hiss!"

Holland: MOM! Mom! I don't see the claws, where's the claws?

Me: Right there honey, do you see his paw with all the claws out? "Tiger lived on the street and...

Holland: Mom? Mom?

Me: Yes?

Holland: Is that the claw, right there? (pointing at the claw)

The "Five Minute Stories" took me an hour to freaking read so I've now realized with a bedtime of 7:30, I will now have to start reading to her at 5:00. Good Times....

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